About Us

About Us

       SHRI REAL DREAM OF FOUNDATION founded in 2016. SHRI REAL DREAM OF FOUNDATION stands as a civil society entity that has established itself as an independent non-profit group, officially registered as per Reg. No. E/786/CHHOTAUDEPUR regional office of the Charity Commissioners on 29/9/2018 under the 29, Bombay Public Trust Act-1950. The organization is committed to comprehensive upliftment of the underprivileged and economically disadvantaged segments of the community. This commitment leads to a positive transformation in the lives of those who are less fortunate, achieved by motivating and empowering them to engage in developmental processes using an approach cantered around people’s needs.

     Throughout the preceding years, SHRI REAL DREAM OF FOUNDATION has been actively engaged in various domains, including Skill Enhancement, Public and Legal consciousness, Management of Natural Resources, promotion of sustainable Livelihoods, prevention of SICKEL CELL Anaemia among users of Injecting Drugs, provision of Clean Water and Hygiene, promotion of literacy among women, formal Education for children, and strengthening the capabilities of grassroots-level social organizations. We envisage a world free of distress, disease, deprivation, exploitation and subjugation, ensuring the overall well-being of the family, society and community. The overall goal of Foundation is to empower women by providing Financial Support, livelihood opportunities in order to improve maternal and child health, reduce poverty and build capacity in the areas of public health and livelihood promotion, and provide an inclusive environment for children with special needs. Our organization start to give to support Free Primary Education of Tribal and an Orphan Children’s. These endeavours extend their influence to reach impoverished and marginalized individuals, particularly focusing on women, adolescents, and the disadvantaged residing in both rural and urban areas. The organization pays special attention to areas of India that have historically been neglected or under-served. Run water conservation, Social Justice & Inclusion, Provide scholarship to needy poor student. Run Art and culture and sports activity.

Be Volunteer – Join

     Be Volunteer to serve our society & children who deserve a healthy & wealthy Life. The interns and volunteers has given us several note-worthy reviews and their opinions which helped us to grow as an organization.

“You can join us team and make difference it hundreds of lives!”

Be the change you want to see in the world

Our Core Values Shape Our Work : We are:

Equality always takes precedence in our endeavours. We prioritize the rights and necessities of children, elders, and creatures. Their safety, protection, and well-being remain at the core of all our actions.

We hold ourselves accountable for our actions while executing our programs. We exercise meticulous attention in the utilization of our resources, striving to utilize them for maximum impact, and consistently considering the consequences and societal effects.

Our support for change is aimed at creating positive and sustainable differences in people’s lives. We encourage individuals to recognize their responsibilities towards society and nature, fostering transformation that yields enduring benefits.

Our aspiration is to ensure universal access to opportunities. We are committed to transparent and open interactions both internally and externally. We develop and implement flexible approaches that cater to the diverse needs of all individuals. Our involvement of young people extends to matters that affect them and encompasses our advocacy endeavours.

Our Core Issues

Our scope extends beyond specific issues. We engage in a broad spectrum of efforts to combat challenges, each unique and long-standing in nature.