

        Creation like anything else that is orderly rests on certain fundamental laws which cannot be broken, the ‘Law of Karma’ being the foremost. Even the gods are bound by this law and no one is above it. If you look around, you will find a lot of hungry people on the road, birds and stray animals like dogs, pigs, Blue cow, and birds dying in accidents, unattended and unfed. Cows and bulls, which were once worshiped by Vedic, in India, Egyptian and Zoroastrian civilizations, now tortured to death. If the modern man ignores all of the above and continues to torture and kill these helpless animals, then the Law of Karma would definitely get him. So it’s time we get into action and helped these helpless animals that need our help.

    Shri Real Dream of Foundation regularly conducts animal welfare workshops and awareness talks under its humane education programs at schools and colleges. The aim of our programs is to sow seeds of empathy towards people, compassion towards animals and a respect for the environment. Simply put, our programs demonstrate the way children could be empathetic and compassionate towards people and animals that may be in pain and in need of help. Our programs encourage them to take that first step forward to lend a helping hand. These programs emphasize:

All life is equal and deserves compassion

Help us in helping animals in need

Dog Welfare Mission

        Providing access to food, water, healthcare, a safe environment, and sterilization drives to reduce the suffering.

Cat Welfare Mission

       Our members from various societies across the city are engaged in actively befriending, feeding, conducting sterilization drives.

Farm Animal Welfare Mission

Once they stop producing milk, they are left to stray on the streets to eat garbage and plastic in their final days, or worse, sent for culling.

  • How children need to be sensitive to the pain that animals on the street feel when they have been hit or run over by a speeding car. They are made aware of how they could step forward with compassion to treat and save such animals.
  • How children need to appreciate the importance of the principles of green living by caring for the environment. Children have been urged to inculcate the following routines that would hopefully stick with them for the rest of their lives:
  • Keep their neighborhood parks, lakes and rivers clean. Avoid using plastic bags.
  • Appreciate the principle of recycle, reuse and reduce waste.
  • Not to dump garbage in parking lots or in parks but only at specified places. Not to throw banana, orange peels and wrappers from a moving car. To turn off lights in empty rooms to save on energy.
  • Not to squash insects like ants, grasshoppers etc. as these living creatures too
    are part of our world and we human beings are their caretakers.

Helping Injured Birds

We recognize the vital role that birds play in our ecosystem and are committed to protecting them. Through our efforts, we aim to create awareness about the importance of bird conservation and their welfare.

Caring for Stray Cows, Dogs & Other Animal

We believe in treating cows, dogs and other animals with love, empathy and care, regardless of their breed or background. Our initiatives aim to ensure their well-being and promote animal welfare.

Animals Need You

        Shri Real Dream of foundation is a member-driven animal welfare NGO that rescues and feeds thousands of animals in Pune area every month. Join us and become a saviour for the needy animals.

Feed, rescue, provide medical treatment

        Our closely nit group of members and volunteers feed, rescue, provide medical treatment and look after the well-being of thousands of dogs, cats, cows and animals of all type every year.

Just One Meal

         All it takes is one meal for a community dog, cat or any animal to fall in love with you. All we want is to increase this love and reciprocate our love back to these innocent animals. 

Donation-run organization

      We are a donation-run organization where we pay for the medical treatment of all the rescue cases, apart from several other expenses we incur on a daily basis.

Spread kindness

Want to help an animal in need?