

Our Skills Mission

We provide "Tribal Zone" rural youth with training and employment opportunities that help lift them and their families out of poverty.

Our Skill Interventions

We work with industry to identify skilling needs, then find and support rural youth to obtain those skills and gain meaningful, dignified employment. We also foster entrepreneurship – helping youth kickstart micro and small enterprises in their communities. We work in Tribal Zone in Chhotaudepur, Panchmahal, Narmada, Dahod, Aravalli District of Gujarat India.

Skill Training

We empower youth with the domain and life skills, workplace experience and certifications, required to get good livelihood opportunities, earn decent incomes and uplift their families.

We reach out to youth using various tools of mobilisation like door to door contact, focus group interactions, night meetings with Tribal and other community, meeting with parents, advertising on social media, and engaging volunteers to highlight Village activities, courses and career opportunities.

We scan local industries and find out the skills needed in each area – upgrading syllabus accordingly, and ensuring our graduates find jobs in local and regional businesses.

We provide students with a mix of practical and theoretical trade skills, develop industry appropriate behavior, along with all important soft and life skills, computer literacy, functional English – continually upgrading curriculum to meet the latest industry needs.

We facilitate on-the-job training and workplace experience to expose students to the realities of the workplace and prepare them for employment.

We provide counseling and career guidance to help young people make the right decisions for a secure, prosperous future based on their needs and wants.


We guide skilled and trained youth into the right jobs, and support them through the first few years of placement to ensure retention and growth.

We identify reputed employers and align them with skilled trainees for gainful employment – to help fulfill employer recruitment needs on an ongoing basis, and provide quality placement opportunities for trainees.

We facilitate the placement of our graduates into secure positions where their skills are relevant and put to good use.

We facilitate placing students in jobs in groups, so they can support one another, overcome challenges together and increase retention rates.

To address the variety of challenges that young people face during their first job placement, we provide ongoing mentoring and support to help them settle into their roles and stay there.

Learning is a lifelong pursuit and we encourage our graduates to attend regular refresher training and additional, advanced courses to continually increase their employability, suite of skills and offerings to employers.


We promote and support entrepreneurship – encouraging our graduates to start micro and small enterprises, and training existing entrepreneurs to take their businesses to an all new level.

We educate aspirants on entrepreneurship and provide training and mentoring on every aspect of starting and growing a small business.

We support aspirants in the development of business plans, injecting help with budget planning, projections and assessing the competition.

We help aspirants access loans to support their new enterprise – from family and local financial institutions.

We talk to family members to help build support for entrepreneurs in starting their enterprises.

We provide ongoing business support and advisory to help entrepreneurs tackle real-time challenges, and thrive.