Approach & Objectives

Approach & Objectives

“Happiness is not something ready made.”

At Shri Real Dream of Foundation, we have mainstreamed our means for creating ‘The Advantaged Society’ into approaches for every project. We have well-thought proven means for everything from building an idea to help to an individual especially from economically weaker communities to putting that idea into execution on board. The consistency in our approaches guarantees that we deliver a quality empowerment every time.

As every student cannot be taught in same way for the best output, we believe a single approach cannot be applied to each task for the best output. This is why Shri Real Dream of Foundation has designed customized approaches based on well-versed research for every project to meet the needs of each project.


Significant proportions of people in CHHOTAUDEPUR, PANCHMAHAL, DAHOD, and NARMADA District Tribal Children come from neighbouring small Villages in search of livelihood. These families live in streets, slum Tribal (Adivasi) Children’s areas that lack basic facilities as slums are not recognized by the states. The children from these families are, therefore, deprived of education.

This drives these children towards theft, robbery and other criminal activities in nearby villages.

“Education is an opportunity through which society and its people are empowered. It is a tool for economic advancements.”

We recognize the life-changing role of good education, which creates opportunities for better jobs, leading to more income for improved nutrition, housing, and health care. Not only education, but they need to be aware about the importance of nutrition and health of these children for their holistic growth and development.

Engaging Women and youth towards Social Change!

Efforts of the Foundation are guided by five inter-connected core objectives:

  • Skills building of front-line functionaries in Health and Livelihood sectors.
  • Pre-school and School education.
  • Ensuring sustainable livelihood for under-privileged and marginalized communities.
  • Providing effective disaster relief and rehabilitation services.

The Foundation implements its activities in close collaborations with communities, government, national NGO, research and academic institutions, and networks of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including corporate sector. The Foundation has been accredited by is also certified as an ISO 9001:2015 organization.